Friday, July 20, 2012


El Patron has died. I can't say I am happy, but I do not feel sorry for him either. He has taken many lives with him, even his family's. After his death Matt was not necessary anymore, and so they asked Tam Lin to put him to sleep. Of course, he would never do such thing, so after pretending he was taking Matt to the fields to dispose of him, he released the boy, but not before giving him instructions on how to flee the land of Opium and cross the dangerous fields surrounding it to get to Aztlan. I am sure Matt will find the way out. I am sure he will finally reach freedom.

As for the Alacrans? They had not even started celebrating yet, when the party suddenly came to an end. El Patron would have never allowed them to take over his fortune. He was a king, a fürer, a pharaoh. And he wanted to be bury with everything that belonged to him. Even his family. 

Tam Lin was the executioner. His loyal guard, even after death. He followed El Patron's instructions and made sure everybody drank the poisonous wine he had left behind. Now, they all toast together in the land of the dead, where El Patron will continue ruling forever.

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