Saturday, July 14, 2012

Little house in the poppy fields

The little house

This is the house where I live with Matt, the boy I have been taking care of since he was brought to this world. It is isolated and simple, but I enjoy being here. It reminds me of the house where I grew up long ago, in Aztlan. I wish I could spend more time here but I only come at night, when the people in the big house have already gone to sleep.

White poppy fields

The house is surrounded by an endless field of white poppies that stretch all the way to the shadowy hills that separate us from Aztlan. The whiteness of the flowers hurts my eyes, but I don't mind; I find it rather peaceful and protective. It helps me keep Matt in the house, away from the dangers of the outside world. Stories of fantastic creatures that inhabit this land such as El Chupacabras and La Llorona have kept Matt's curiosity under control, although I wonder how much longer I can protect him from the far more terrifying monsters that live in this God-forsaken country.

El Chupacabras

La llorona

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